Kenyamanan Gerak Dan Visual Pengunjung Di Ruang Tunggu Icu Rumah Sakit Klungkung

I Made Juniastra, Leontinus Doni Bado


The waiting room is a place where activity actors with various physical and mental conditions gather in one room. The psychological pressure with the burden of thoughts on patients, who are generally close relatives, causes their physical condition to decline. Therefore, the health of this waiting room absolutely must be maintained in order to support the health of the patient in order to stay healthy and hygienic while waiting for the patient. Klungkung General Hospital is the largest hospital in the eastern Bali region. Its services cover the Klungkung, Karangasem and Bangli areas. This study was aimed at assessing the comfort of movement and visuals of patient waiters in the ICU in terms of architecture and lighting in supporting user health and comparing with pictures and related literature. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the motion and visual comfort of the building with related standards to support user health.


Motion and Visual Comfort; ICU Waiting Room; Klungkung Hospital

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